Red Light Busking - Live Music Origins
Red Light Busking is a music and media platform that curates immersive and innovative exhibitions and events in various community spaces in Waltham Forest. Since 2019, we have delivered a series of cultural projects in the area - by transforming 6 shop windows in Walthamstow High Street into live performance stages and curating exhibitions that highlight the positive and cultural impact of migrants in London and the wider UK. For the Dem Live Foreign exhibition (2022), two shop fronts in Leyton were remodelled into a Caribbean and a Somali Front Room, as a means to showcase their contributions to London through their respective music and food cultures.
Red Light Busking also passionately works with young people in care who are known to the criminal justice system. Music serves as a lifeline for young people in search of connectedness, community and ways to express themselves. Our weekly music studio project invites them to create music, collaborate with musicians and air out any difficult emotions or problems they may face. Since the start of the project, we’ve worked with over 200 youths. In partnership with Redbridge social services, family intervention and youth offending teams, Red Light Busking effectively offers an alternative pathway for support, creativity and opportunity for young people at risk.